Monday 15 June 2009

Is it wise to chase the Bar?

Although the title of this blog might lead a person to imagine someone in constant pursuit of their next drink, or alternatively someone striving to achieve commercial success in a 'Dragon's Den' or 'The Apprentice' fashion, the reality is perhaps less interesting for some. However, for those that share similar aspirations to myself the journey they embark upon is no less arduous. So, just what am I doing? I'm embarking on a career change with the ultimate aim of becoming a Barrister.

Some of you may have already seen 'The Barristers' which was shown on one of the terrestrial channels in the UK. It was a documentary on the lives of various barristers at different stages of their careers. This blog, I hope, will
share the experiences that I have whilst undertaking the Bar Vocational Course (the final stage of formal training before gaining the title of Barrister at Law).

So where am I now? I've just finished two years of academic training on the Graduate Diploma in Law. This is for those who already have a degree in a subject other than law and now wish to pursue a career in law. It is either a full-time course for a year or a distance learning course over two years. I opted for the latter as I presently run a small design company that pays the bills - I didn't fancy living as a student again! It was never going to be an easy thing to combine work with heavy academic learning, but I seem to have finally pulled it off.....and it is a huge relief if I'm honest. No more essays on the finer points of EU Law or Constitutional Law. Well, at least for a while anyway.

The next step is the Bar Vocational Course (BVC) which is now in its last year before they rejig everything again as they like to do every now and again. Essentially, this is all about gaining skills in advocacy (the actual arguing of a case in court), drafting, opinion writing, negotiation etc. These are the actual skills that a would be Barrister needs to master if they are to succeed at the Bar. Only time will tell if it was a wise decision to change careers or not.

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